b-plus shows test standards in the product life cycle of measurement systems
The requirements on measurement technology when validating and analyzing test drive data in the autonomous sector are rising. With extensive and various kinds of stress tests on the tools, b-plus ensures the ideal functionality of the solutions in the vehicle.
All b-plus systems go through an extended qualification cycle, various tests take already place in advance in our in-house test laboratory. In addition, b-plus works with CSA Group, an independent accredited organization for our testing, approvals and certifications. CSA Group operates some of the most modern laboratories in Europe for this purpose.
The video shows parts of the qualification methods that are part of the quality standards of b-plus. As in the displayed example of the DATALynx ATX4, all operating parameters are put to the test. All our devices are tested under real operating conditions, where the systems have to pass all temperature and vibration tests under 100% stress at maximum CPU & GPU load.
Get detailed information on our quality and test standards.