Our product experts are awaiting you with our technologies like Smart Data Harvesting and Hardware in the Loop Testing
we are heading to California to welcome our overseas customers and partners at our booth 3036 at AVT in San José on September 07 and 08, 2022. At the show, we will be presenting our latest technologies and solutions for Smart Data Harvesting and Hardware in the Loop Testing. Thereby we will show live how to extract raw data from an ECU and feed errors back into the video stream. Get your free ticket here!
With our portfolio, which we will show at the trade fair, we offer
Listen to Alexander Noack's presentation on September 7, 4:05 PM (GMT-7):
During test drives, data harvesting already standardized vehicle bus systems are not able to fully map the data transmission requirements for future-oriented ADAS/AD systems. Proprietary transmission solutions based on GMSL or FPD-Link have established themselves here, but were not primarily developed for automotive use.
The Automotive SerDes Alliance's ASA Motion Link and the MIPI Alliance's MIPI A-PHY standard are emerging in this area and are competing for the pole position. Since the processing of raw data is increasingly taking place on centralized platforms, transmission paths must meet automotive requirements, including increased EMC immunity to interference, long service life, low costs per receive and transmit node, or simple cable routing.
This presentation shows a smart way to realize a both generalist and adaptive way to harvest complex measurement setups with best data quality.