b-plus hands over donations in kind to TfK-Technikhaus in Deggendorf

Discarded devices inspire young talents and provide new equipment for their model constructions

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Optimized Data Quality for AI Systems

b-plus expands its portfolio with CONiX Data Processing Solution

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Open and flexible measurement technology platform meets reliable raw data logger

AVETO.dps combines the stability of a classic data logger with the flexibility of an open platform in one device


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b-plus strengthens presence in Europe

Expansion of sales team and collaborations strengthen market position

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Series Announcement for Windows driver bRAWcap

Software solution for efficient tapping and replay on 10G Ethernet interfaces available in full-featured version from October

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Research article in IEEE Xplore Digital Library

A Feature-based Approach for the Recognition of Image Quality Degradation in Automotive Applications

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Fast and easy copying of sensor data

b-plus presents latest data copy station COPYLynx ATX4 for handling large storage data

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